Source code for coinflip.randtests.fourier

from dataclasses import dataclass
from math import erfc
from math import log
from math import sqrt

import pandas as pd
from numpy.fft import fft as _fft

from coinflip.randtests._decorators import elected
from coinflip.randtests._decorators import randtest
from coinflip.randtests._exceptions import NonBinarySequenceError
from coinflip.randtests._result import TestResult
from coinflip.randtests._result import vars_list

__all__ = ["spectral", "fft"]

class NonBinaryTruncatedSequenceError(NonBinarySequenceError):
    """Error if truncated sequence does not contain only 2 distinct values"""

    def __str__(self):
        return (
            "When truncated into an even-length, sequence contains only 1 distinct value\n"
            "i.e. the sequence was originally binary, but now isn't"

[docs]@randtest(rec_input=1000) @elected def spectral(series, candidate): """Potency of periodic features in sequence is compared to expected result The binary values are treated as the peaks and troughs respectively of a signal, which is applied a Fourier transform so as to find constituent periodic features. The strength of these features is referenced to the expected potent periodic features present in a hypothetically truly random RNG. Parameters ---------- sequence : array-like Output of the RNG being tested candidate : Value present in given sequence The value which is considered the peak in oscillations Returns ------- TestResult Dataclass that contains the test's statistic and p-value Raises ------ NonBinaryTruncatedSequenceError When odd-lengthed sequence is truncated there is only one distinct value present """ n = len(series) if n % 2 != 0: series = series[:-1] if series.nunique() != 2: raise NonBinaryTruncatedSequenceError() threshold = sqrt(log(1 / 0.05) * n) nbelow_expected = 0.95 * n / 2 peak = candidate trough = next(value for value in series.unique() if value != candidate) oscillations ={peak: 1, trough: -1}) fourier = fft(oscillations) half_fourier = fourier[: n // 2] peaks = half_fourier.abs() nbelow = sum(peaks < threshold) diff = nbelow - nbelow_expected normdiff = diff / sqrt((n * 0.95 * 0.05) / 4) p = erfc(abs(normdiff) / sqrt(2)) return SpectralTestResult(normdiff, p, nbelow_expected, nbelow, diff,)
[docs]def fft(array) -> pd.Series: """Performs fast fourier transform Parameters ---------- array : array-like Input array Returns ------- `Series` Fourier transformation of `array` See Also -------- numpy.fft.fft : Method adapted to return a `Series` as opposed to an `ndarray` """ fourier_ndarray = _fft(array) fourier_series = pd.Series(fourier_ndarray) return fourier_series
@dataclass class SpectralTestResult(TestResult): nbelow_expected: float nbelow: int diff: float def __post_init__(self): pass def __rich_console__(self, console, options): yield self._results_text("normalised diff") yield "" yield "npeaks above threshold" yield vars_list( ("actual", self.nbelow), ("expected", self.nbelow_expected), ("diff", self.diff), )