Source code for coinflip.randtests.template

# TODO format templates in results to match coinflip.cli.echo_series
from collections import Counter
from dataclasses import dataclass
from math import exp
from math import floor
from math import isclose
from math import log2
from math import sqrt
from random import choice
from typing import List

from scipy.special import gammaincc
from scipy.special import hyp1f1

from coinflip.randtests._decorators import randtest
from coinflip.randtests._result import TestResult
from coinflip.randtests._result import make_testvars_table
from coinflip.randtests._testutils import check_recommendations
from coinflip.randtests._testutils import rawblocks

__all__ = ["non_overlapping_template_matching", "overlapping_template_matching"]

def make_template(series, blocksize):
    """Generate a random template"""
    template_size = min(max(floor(sqrt(blocksize)), 2), 12)

    values = series.unique()
    template = [choice(values) for _ in range(template_size)]

    return template

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Non-overlapping Template Matching Test

[docs]@randtest(rec_input=288) # template_size=9, nblocks=8, blocksize=4*template_size def non_overlapping_template_matching(series, template: List = None, nblocks=None): """Matches of template per block is compared to expected result The sequence is split into blocks, where the number of non-overlapping matches to the template in each block is found. This is referenced to the expected mean and variance in matches of a hypothetically truly random RNG. Parameters ---------- sequence : array-like Output of the RNG being tested template : `List`, optional Template to match with the sequence, randomly generated if not provided. nblocks : `int` Number of blocks to split sequence into Returns ------- TestResult Dataclass that contains the test's statistic and p-value. Raises ------ TemplateContainsElementsNotInSequenceError If template contains values not present in sequence """ n = len(series) if not nblocks: nblocks = min(floor(sqrt(n)), 100) blocksize = n // nblocks check_recommendations( { "nblocks ≤ 100": nblocks <= 100, "blocksize > 0.01 * n": blocksize > 0.01 * n, "nblocks ≡ ⌊n / blocksize⌋": nblocks == n // blocksize, } ) if template is None: template = make_template(series, blocksize) template_size = len(template) matches_expect = (blocksize - template_size + 1) / 2 ** template_size variance = blocksize * ( (1 / 2 ** template_size) - ((2 * template_size - 1)) / 2 ** (2 * template_size) ) block_matches = [] for block_tup in rawblocks(series, blocksize=blocksize): matches = 0 pointer = 0 boundary = blocksize - template_size while pointer < boundary: window = block_tup[pointer : pointer + template_size] if all(x == y for x, y in zip(window, template)): matches += 1 pointer += template_size else: pointer += 1 block_matches.append(matches) match_diffs = [matches - matches_expect for matches in block_matches] statistic = sum(diff ** 2 / variance for diff in match_diffs) p = gammaincc(nblocks / 2, statistic / 2) return NonOverlappingTemplateMatchingTestResult( statistic, p, template, matches_expect, variance, block_matches, match_diffs, )
@dataclass class NonOverlappingTemplateMatchingTestResult(TestResult): template: List matches_expect: float variance: float block_matches: List[int] match_diffs: List[float] def __rich_console__(self, console, options): yield self._results_text("chi-square") yield "" yield f"template: {self.template}" f_matches_expect = round(self.matches_expect, 1) yield f"expected matches per block: {f_matches_expect}" matches_count = Counter(self.block_matches) table = sorted(matches_count.items()) f_table = make_testvars_table("matches", "nblocks") for matches, nblocks in table: f_table.add_row(str(matches), str(nblocks)) yield f_table # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Overlapping Template Matching Test matches_ceil = 5 # TODO Review paper "Correction of Overlapping Template Matching Test Included in # NIST Randomness Test Suite"
[docs]@randtest(rec_input=288) # TODO appropiate min input def overlapping_template_matching(series, template: List = None, nblocks=None, df=5): """Overlapping matches of template per block is compared to expected result The sequence is split into `nblocks` blocks, where the number of overlapping matches to the template in each block is found. This is referenced to the expected mean and variance in matches of a hypothetically truly random RNG. .. deprecated:: 0 `df` will be removed once I figure out the correct value, as I don't quite understand what NIST wants (or if they're even correct!) Parameters ---------- sequence : array-like Output of the RNG being tested template : `List`, optional Template to match with the sequence, randomly generated if not provided. nblocks : `int` Number of blocks to split sequence into df : `int`, default `5` Degrees of freedom to use in p-value calculation Returns ------- TestResult Dataclass that contains the test's statistic and p-value. Raises ------ TemplateContainsElementsNotInSequenceError If template contains values not present in sequence """ n = len(series) if not nblocks: nblocks = floor(sqrt(n)) blocksize = n // nblocks if not template: template = make_template(series, blocksize) template_size = len(template) lambda_ = (blocksize - template_size + 1) / 2 ** template_size eta = lambda_ / 2 first_prob = exp(-eta) probabilities = [first_prob] for matches in range(1, matches_ceil): prob = ((eta * exp(-2 * eta)) / 2 ** matches) * hyp1f1(matches + 1, 2, eta) probabilities.append(prob) last_prob = 1 - sum(probabilities) probabilities.append(last_prob) check_recommendations( { "n ≥ nblocks * blocksize": n >= nblocks * blocksize, "nblocks * min(probabilities) > df": nblocks * min(probabilities) > df, "λ ≈ 2": isclose(lambda_, 2), "len(template) ≈ log2(nblocks)": isclose(template_size, log2(nblocks)), "df ≈ λ": isclose(template_size, log2(nblocks)), } ) expected_tallies = [prob * nblocks for prob in probabilities] block_matches = [] for block_tup in rawblocks(series, blocksize=blocksize): matches = 0 boundary = blocksize - template_size for pointer in range(boundary + 1): window = block_tup[pointer : pointer + template_size] if all(x == y for x, y in zip(window, template)): matches += 1 block_matches.append(matches) tallies = [0 for _ in range(matches_ceil + 1)] for matches in block_matches: i = min(matches, 5) tallies[i] += 1 reality_check = [] for tally_expect, tally in zip(expected_tallies, tallies): diff = (tally - tally_expect) ** 2 / tally_expect reality_check.append(diff) statistic = sum(reality_check) p = gammaincc(df / 2, statistic / 2) # TODO should first param be df / 2 return OverlappingTemplateMatchingTestResult( statistic, p, template, expected_tallies, tallies, )
@dataclass class OverlappingTemplateMatchingTestResult(TestResult): template: List expected_tallies: List[int] tallies: List[int] def __post_init__(self): self.tally_diffs = [] for expect, actual in zip(self.expected_tallies, self.tallies): diff = actual - expect self.tally_diffs.append(diff) def __rich_console__(self, console, options): yield self._results_text("chi-square") yield "" yield f"template: {self.template}" f_nmatches = [f"{x}" for x in range(matches_ceil + 1)] f_nmatches[-1] = f"{f_nmatches[-1]}+" table = zip(f_nmatches, self.tallies, self.expected_tallies, self.tally_diffs) f_table = make_testvars_table("matches", "count", "expected", "diff") for f_matches, count, count_expect, diff in table: f_count = str(count) f_count_expect = str(round(count_expect, 1)) f_diff = str(round(diff, 1)) f_table.add_row(f_matches, f_count, f_count_expect, f_diff) yield f_table