Source code for coinflip.tests_runner

"""Methods used to interact with the randtests subpackage."""
from functools import wraps
from typing import Callable
from typing import Iterator
from typing import Tuple

import pandas as pd
from rich import box
from rich.table import Table
from rich.text import Text

from coinflip import console
from coinflip import randtests
from coinflip.randtests._exceptions import NonBinarySequenceError
from coinflip.randtests._exceptions import TestError
from coinflip.randtests._result import TestResult

__all__ = ["list_tests", "TestNotFoundError", "run_test", "run_all_tests"]


f_randtest_names = {
    "monobit": "Frequency (Monobit) Test",
    "frequency_within_block": "Frequency within Block Test",
    "runs": "Runs Test",
    "longest_runs": "Longest Runs in Block Test",
    "binary_matrix_rank": "Matrix Rank Test",
    "spectral": "Discrete Fourier Transform (Spectral) Test",
    "non_overlapping_template_matching": "Non-Overlapping Template Matching Test",
    "overlapping_template_matching": "Overlapping Template Matching Test",
    "maurers_universal": "Maurer's Universal Test",

def binary_check(func):
    """Decorator to check if series comprises of binary values"""

    def wrapper(series, *args, **kwargs):
        if series.nunique() != 2:
            raise NonBinarySequenceError()

        return func(series, *args, **kwargs)

    return wrapper

def print_randtest_name(randtest_name):
    """Pretty print the randtest's name"""
    randtest_fname = f_randtest_names[randtest_name]
    console.print(randtest_fname, style="bold")
    console.print("".join("─" for char in randtest_fname))

[docs]def list_tests() -> Iterator[Tuple[str, Callable]]: """List all available statistical tests Yields ------ randtest_name : `str` Name of statistical test randtest_func : `Callable` Function object of the statistical test """ for randtest_name in randtests.__all__: randtest_func = getattr(randtests, randtest_name) yield randtest_name, randtest_func
[docs]class TestNotFoundError(ValueError): """Error for when a statistical test is not found"""
[docs]@binary_check def run_test(series: pd.Series, randtest_name, **kwargs) -> TestResult: """Run a statistical test on RNG output Parameters ---------- series : `Series` Output of the RNG being tested randtest_name : `str` Name of statistical test **kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to statistical test Returns ------- result : `TestResult` Dataclass that contains the test's statistic and p-value as well as other relevant information gathered. Raises ------ TestNotFoundError If `randtest_name` does not match any available statistical tests TestError Errors raised when running `randtest_name` """ for name, func in list_tests(): if randtest_name == name: print_randtest_name(name) result = func(series, **kwargs) console.print(result) console.print() console.print("PASS" if result.p >= 0.01 else "FAIL") return result else: raise TestNotFoundError()
[docs]@binary_check def run_all_tests(series: pd.Series) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, TestResult, Exception]]: """Run all available statistical test on RNG output Parameters ---------- series : `Series` Output of the RNG being tested Yields ------ randtest_name : `str` Name of statistical test result : `TestResult` Dataclass that contains the test's statistic and p-value as well as other relevant information gathered. exception : `NotImplementedError` or `MinimumInputError` The exception raised when running `randtest_name`, otherwise `None`. Raises ------ NonBinarySequenceError If series contains a sequence made of non-binary values """ results = {} for name, func in list_tests(): print_randtest_name(name) try: result = func(series) console.print(result) yield name, result, None results[name] = result except TestError as e: yield name, None, e results[name] = None console.print() f_table = Table(box=box.DOUBLE) f_table.add_column("Statistical Test", justify="left") f_table.add_column("p-value", justify="right") f_table.add_column("Verdict", justify="right") for name, result in results.items(): f_name = f_randtest_names[name] if result: f_pvalue = str(round(result.p, 3)) f_pvalue += "0" * (5 - len(f_pvalue)) # zero pad success = result.p >= SIGLEVEL verdict = "PASS" if success else "FAIL" colour = "green" if success else "red" f_verdict = Text(verdict, style=colour) else: f_pvalue = "-" f_verdict = Text("N/A", style="yellow") f_table.add_row(f_name, f_pvalue, f_verdict) console.print(f_table)